Dian Sousa: The Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet (A book of poems)
Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet is the first book by poet and author Dian Sousa published by BIG YES PRESS, a multi-format independent publisher. Big Yes Press are fair producers of fabulous books by terrific poets and authors.
The Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet
Dian Sousa
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The Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet
(front cover)
Poems by Dian Sousa
The Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet
(back cover)
Poems by Dian Sousa
For book purchase, readings, events, interviews or reprint rights, contact Dian Sousa at diansousa24@gmail.com.
Print and e-books are also available on Amazon.com
News & Reviews
- Dian Sousa, San Luis Obispo Poet Laureate, San Luis Obispo, CA, 2003-2004.
- The Marvels Recorded In My Private Closet was selected as a text for students at Cal Poly University.
- Visit YouTube for several videos featuring Dian Sousa reading poetry.
Praise this turbulence, the multitudes inside it, voices barking, cawing, roaring drunken anthems to “the broken-toothed edge of the beat up world.” Praise the rank luxury of feral imagination, lavish and surreal, fiercely loyal to what “lurks in the depths and is not crushed.” Praise the humor that stings, exaggerations made of broken glass, the long line of a restless spirit perhaps especially prone to lashings. Toss back these words like shots of mescal, let their truths burn beautifully down your throat. Reader, the voice is oceanic, flowing undivided currents, boundless, blue, faithful to the curl of the wave, the axioms of indigo. What if poetry is meant to transform us? Pick up this book. Each poem is an axe and you’re the kindling log ready to be split open, waiting to burst into flame.
- Marsha de la O, Black Hope
I prize Dian Sousa’s work–the singing inside the lines, the wickedly straight-faced doses of humor, the faith kept with this hurt world. For all their hilarity and wit, the poems are deep divers, down where the pressure is almost too much to bear. In other words, there’s an integrity to this voice; Sousa has dared to come tell us something of worth.
Reader, you can break bread with these poems, trust them to get you across the river, accept their invitation to dance. (Be ready for that invitation, in the book’s final, take-it-home ode.) Sousa’s poems are indeed marvels. Read them.
– Lisa Coffman, Likely and Less Obvious Gods